Dissent - A social framework that relies on Institution; to no longer adhere to the standard or status quo of an institution for the sake of the welfare
Ex: The pharmacy clerk dissented from company policy in giving an ill and unhoused patient their prescription for free.
Information - The elements of a vector; the vectors of a matrix; describes the aspects of a certain or uncertain entity understood as a vector (or matrix)
Institution - An establishment with a set of standards that are widely accepted by its constituents; often, it houses bureaucracies
Sensibly moving parts or sensibility in moving parts (phrase) - An entendre describing sensitivity related to change in a particular subject; components within a subject subject to change; contextualizing the information of a subject
Ex: 1. The sensibly moving parts of our government are not simply three branches; it includes the trust of the people in said government and their civil engagement to not burn it all down, amongst others. 2. When people talk about “the man,” they often ignore the sensibility in moving parts; what or who exactly is the man? The sensibly moving parts of authority such as militarism and policing.
I hook this essay with the opinion that it is my least vital work. I view it as a tool that will help my readers understand the specifics of my terminology. However, my terminology is simply an extraction from languages I do not own; words shape me as much as I shape messages with them— be it English or Hausa. You and I share these words, and one should use these shared words to share ideas. Therefore, it would be improper to consider a paper of verbage we both have access to and claim it as a dictionary particular to me. It would be condescending and imposing, stripping yourself of the ability to string my words into the fabrics of your understanding. A decent essay should not lose the reader